Disinformation and Democracy
Facts matter, especially if a democracy is going to flourish. In functioning democracies, participants need to have access to a shared set of facts. It’s a given that a well-informed electorate desires to have ready-access to actual facts, and understands that there will regularly be, in the mix, facts (e.g. hard truths) that make them uncomfortable. This desire and understanding are also crucial elements of democracy. However, these are not elements that we can take for granted in the US. Combating disinformation in the 2024 election will require all hands on deck.
One of the unfortunate byproducts of the increased polarization we are experiencing, is the tendency to cling to one’s tribe, often at the expense of truth. “A significant number of Americans don’t seem to care anymore whether a statement is true. What seems to matter instead is whether any given message is consistent with their worldview. If a lie supports their position, some people seem willing to go along with the con and pretend it’s true,” says Barb McQuade, former US Attorney from Michigan, and Author of Attack from Within: How Disinformation Is Sabotaging America. What is Disinformation? Let’s start with some useful definitions. Disinformation is the deliberate use of lies to manipulate people, whether to extract profit or to advance a political agenda. Misinformation is spread by unknowing dupes who repeat lies they believe to be true. In polarized America, disinformation and misinformation are working together to undermine our democracy, according to McQuade. Combating disinformation in the 2024 election will require all hands on deck. To read our full resource on Disinformation & Democracy, click the button below: |
In the News The Hill: US adversaries using AI to enhance disinformation effort ahead of election. The intelligence community warned Monday that foreign adversaries - led by Russia and Iran - are using artificial intelligence to enhance ongoing disinformation efforts in an attempt to influence the outcome of the 2024 election. The Breakdown: